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A Little Something on Hope

I’m sure you’ve heard it before: We often use the word hope in a way that means we wish something will happen and are uncertain it will, but for the Christian hope means we’re sure of something, that we’re looking forward at it. The word faith...

“If You Love Me”

“If you love me” can be a tricky set of words. I’ve heard them used to manipulate others into doing things, and I’ve heard them used to convey truth about how relationships work. When you love someone you have a strong tendency to do things...

Inconvenient Effort

As I was sitting in church yesterday, I thought about how sometimes my church commitments are not always easy or convenient. Really any commitments or responsibilities I have are not always easy or convenient. But that’s how you know they’re commitments...

Would I React Differently?

Sometimes we look at the people in the Bible and can readily see the mistakes they made, but sometimes I wonder if we’d do any differently if we were in their circumstances. If God promised that I would have a child when I’m so far past child-bearing years...

God and Science

Considering that God made the universe and all the laws by which it functions, anything we discover through science won’t disagree with God. Sometimes scientists might overstep the boundaries of science and try to make assumptions in an attempt to understand...