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Just Right Is Not Necessary

Yesterday morning in church a specific line stuck out to me: The Holy Spirit doesn't need everything to be just right in your life for Him to do His work through you. We were talking about Paul the apostle and how he had a prison ministry, but from inside as a...

All of a Sudden

Backsliding (which is usually Christian-speak for sliding back into the bad parts of who you were before God saved you) isn't something that happens all at once. It usually happens little by little, like slowly raising the temperature of water or slowly getting used...

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Sometimes I wonder, if Jesus were to come today like He did back then, or instead of back then, how comfortable would I be with Him? Would I like Him? Would any of us who claim to be His followers like Him? We love Jesus of course, but considering all the upset that...

Walking into the Fire

I was thinking about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3. I've written about their faith before in "Simple Yet Profound - The Fiery Furnace," and I've recently wondered again if I would have been so confident. We all like to think we'd have faith as strong as...

Exercise Buddy

I've found that I am more consistent with exercise and enjoy it more when I have a buddy doing it, too. I have also found that the buddy system works for pretty much everything else in life. Anything that requires accountability or some teamwork goes so much better...

Things God Created

In Sunday School for the past few Sundays, we've been teaching the little kids about God creating everything. Yesterday morning the teacher was asking the kids to name things that God created. They named various animals and plants, and had a good time. Then in my head...

Cleaning the House

Sometimes your house just needs a good deep cleaning. But between those cleanings, it won't need that kind of deep cleaning as often if you do maintenance cleaning. If you do a little bit of something every day, like putting  things back right when you're done with...

Notes on Suffering

Many times you will not truly know and see just how good God is until you suffer. There is no amount of suffering that can exhaust God's grace, mercy, and glory. We are promised the storm. Sometimes following Christ will bring suffering - not merely inconvenience, but...

Daily Bible Reading

I highly recommend reading the Bible every day. Whether you want to focus on a portion of it for a week or a month, focus on parts to memorize, or read the whole thing through in a year, reading it every day really gives you a better sense of what's in it. Being...