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Many people put God in a box and take Him out for church. Maybe they take Him out at some other time when they feel in desperate need.

But you can’t put God in a box.

When you open the box, God is not there. The thing you’re actually putting in the box is your idea of God. God Himself won’t fit. He won’t be bound by your box or defined in your terms. He can hold us each – and even all of creation – in His hand, why do we think we can confine Him to a box? If anything, we’re all in His box.

But just because God isn’t in your box doesn’t mean you can’t find Him. He is always around; turn around, look up, acknowledge Him.

God won’t fit in your box, which is good because even the most Biblically sound and piously imaginative have boxes too small. God won’t fit in our boxes, but He can hold us safely in His hand and show us greater things than we know.

If you’ll pay attention, God will show you just how far out of the box He thinks!