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It is very easy for us to get caught up in our own bubble around the holidays. We have gifts to buy for some very special people, the gifts need to be perfect for each person, the gifts need to arrive on time, and they need to be wrapped. We have parties, musicals, and plays to go to and prepare for. We have so many things to get and so many errands to run before time runs out!

But not everyone has these things going on right now. Some people have poor health or little money. Some people have nothing at all. Some people are worrying over sick and dying loved ones. Some are grieving over loved ones that have just recently died. Life doesn’t take a vacation from us over the holidays, no matter which holiday we celebrate.

Take a moment to look around you. Ask God to show you someone specific that you can help, and keep your eyes, ears, and heart open. He will give you the opportunity to show His love to someone, whether you know them or not. Invite someone to a musical or play. Buy someone some food. Be there if someone needs a shoulder to cry on. Offer to help someone do their shopping. Give your time to someone.

This time of year we Christians celebrate God’s greatest gift, Jesus, and how that gift is given to everyone! Pop your bubble. Let God interrupt your tight schedule. Be available to step out and help someone. This is God’s love we’re talking about! Show people His gift and why He gave it!