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Everyone has been planning and preparing for the holidays, notably Thanksgiving and Christmas, and many more holidays. But sometimes we get so lost in our planning that we forget to prepare.

I don’t really mean the preparation to get the turkey out ahead of time (though that is important if you want turkey), but I do mean to say that sometimes we forget to prepare ourselves. We get so busy getting everything and everyone else ready that we forget to get ourselves into the right mindset. We get so caught up in the swirl of the to-do list that we forget what and why we are celebrating.

This is a season of giving and thankfulness. This is a season where we sometimes need to step back, sit down, and just recognize all that God has done. In all the noise of the celebrations and preparations thereof, we need a little quiet time to just talk with God – and not just us doing the talking, but letting Him talk. Sometimes we may not even need to talk at all. Whatever God leads you to do, go ahead and do it.

Count your blessings. Read your Bible. Talk with God. Be still and know that He is God. Then you will be more prepared for all that lies ahead.