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If it weren’t for God’s promises that He will be with me and that eventually everything will be set right, I think I’d lose my mind.

There are many injustices in our lives, and much more in the whole world. One day all injustices will be righted. Maybe not right now and maybe not soon, but they will certainly be righted at the end of this world’s history.

When I, or you, or those we love suffer, there is good that can come of it. God can take the worst thing that has ever happened to us and turn it into one of the best things.

When life is unbearable, God helps me bear it. I can’t carry it all on my own, but God can. He sometimes carries it and me.

I may not know everything, but that’s okay because I know the God who does. I may not always understand why something is happening, but I know the God who would never do anything that isn’t good for me.

God can repair what I cannot. What I am helpless to do, God can do many times over.