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While it may not mean much to you, I have always found it interesting that in the English language, adultery and idolatry sound similar. Further, in the Bible idolatry is compared to adultery, because it has to do with being unfaithful to the one true God. For a few examples, take a look at Jeremiah 3, Ezekiel 16, and the book of Hosea.

Adultery is being unfaithful to the one to which you are committed. It is giving your affections to someone else who is not the one to whom you have promised your life. It is deposing your spouse from their rightful place in your life and putting someone else in that place.

Idolatry is being unfaithful to the One to which you are committed. It is giving your affections to someone else who is not the One to whom you have promised your life. It is deposing your God from His rightful place in your life and putting someone or something else in that place.