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Just Right Is Not Necessary

Yesterday morning in church a specific line stuck out to me: The Holy Spirit doesn't need everything to be just right in your life for Him to do His work through you. We were talking about Paul the apostle and how he had a prison ministry, but from inside as a...

All of a Sudden

Backsliding (which is usually Christian-speak for sliding back into the bad parts of who you were before God saved you) isn't something that happens all at once. It usually happens little by little, like slowly raising the temperature of water or slowly getting used...

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Sometimes I wonder, if Jesus were to come today like He did back then, or instead of back then, how comfortable would I be with Him? Would I like Him? Would any of us who claim to be His followers like Him? We love Jesus of course, but considering all the upset that...

Disagreement and Love

In life you will find that not every one thinks the same way you do. Not everyone believes the same way you do. Even people who believe and think most of the same things will still differ with you. But that's okay. Some of these things are just differences in opinion...

Healthy and Unhealthy Fear

With all the uneasiness and fear going on lately, I suppose it's time to talk about it. We know there are two kinds of fear: the healthy kind and the unhealthy kind. Unhealthy fear is the kind that makes us think and believe the worst, hampering or crippling our...

Seeking from Need, Seeking from Desire

When we ask God to speak to us, it's often because we're at a tough spot or a crossroad in life and need some direction. We don't always seek God's voice when we don't think we need it. I could remind you that we always need God, but that's not the point here. If we...

For Eternity and for Today

When you get saved by believing in Jesus and surrendering to His lordship over your life, you are also believing and trusting Him for the safety of your eternal soul. For whatever reason we Christians have no problem trusting Jesus with our eternal souls, but we have...

I Can’t Live the Christian Life

The standard for living a Christ-like life is Christ Himself, and He is perfect. A lot of people are afraid to believe in and follow Jesus because they feel they can't live up to His standard. A lot of people who do believe in Jesus don't follow Him fully because they...

Outside and Inside the Storm

Last night during the sermon we talked about shore lights and lighthouses giving direction and hope in the dark and in the storms. A couple phrases stuck out to me, and they go well together. What you do when there is no storm in your life is important. Don't doubt...