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Sovereignty of God and Volition of Man

I’ve often wondered about the workings of the sovereignty of God and the volition of man together. In the sermon last night I saw a very good example in the life of Samson. It’s by no means exhaustive, but it gives a good grasp at least. Up to this point...

Prosperity Gospel

Since text doesn’t always carry tone very well, I want to begin this post by saying I’m not trying to be mean or snippy at all, rather I am gently pointing out something important. I think that people who believe in “prosperity gospel”...

Examination and Planning

It’s the New Year! You’ve probably already examined how last year went, and maybe you’re still doing it now. If you haven’t, I encourage you to do so. Examining your life, even when it isn’t New Year time, is good for you. Looking back...

Surprise Coming

I was teaching one more Christmas lesson yesterday morning for the 2 and 3 year olds. I had one boy and one girl. They remembered most of the story and were able to answer questions, but we did talk a little more in depth about a few things. I let them know that Jesus...

After Christmas

Maybe you’re not over Christmas yet. Good! Yet whether you are or not, don’t forget about God’s purpose. Jesus came as a baby, yes, but He didn’t stay a baby. He grew up living a sinless life to sacrifice Himself on our behalf so our impossible...

Did They Know?

Around Christmas I sometimes hear the song, “Mary, Did You Know?” Recently I’ve wondered if anyone else knew. When Mary’s and Joseph’s families heard about Mary’s pregnancy and the explanation, did they know what that meant? When...