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A Prophetess, a Commander, and a Hardcore Woman

Lately I thought of some of the happenings in the book of Judges, specifically around the period and area of Deborah the prophetess and Barak the commander (Judges 4 and 5). In this account, the Israelites have yet again done evil, right in front of the God who spent...

Making Time

Sometimes when changes happen in your life, the things you normally do might slip through the cracks. My blog has been slipping through cracks lately, but I’m going to figure out how to keep going on a regular schedule (even if it’s modified) because...

God Moving Like a Breeze

God has been moving a lot of things around in my life lately, with His usual care and subtlety. It’s like feeling a breeze blow around me; I can’t see what all God is doing, but I can tell He’s there. I can’t tell what He’s doing or how...

Observable, Measurable, Usable, Relatable

God gave us the ability to observe, understand, and get in on the secrets of His creation. Animals don’t know the deep intricacies of creation’s workings, nor do they care. But we humans care and have the ability to notice that the universe has order, that...

The Unforgivable Sin

As I wrote the previous post (Last Chance), it reminded me of a sermon from a few weeks ago in church. That sermon was about the one sin that God cannot forgive, from what Jesus said in Mark 3:22-30. Jesus had been doing miracles, and in this specific case He had...