Thursday in the ladies’ Bible study at my church (this one is Entrusted by Beth Moore), we learned about how the Gospel of Jesus has been entrusted to us. God has entrusted us. He trusts us with His Gospel. (1 Timothy 1:11)
So we have the Gospel to share and perpetuate. We also have unique gifts that God has given us for this task. God has deposited these things for us to use and invest. At the end of our lives we are to return the Gospel as we found it. The Gospel is a treasured possession meant to be kept safe (though it is shared) and then to be returned as it was. The gifts, however are made to be invested and multiplied to do as much good as possible. They are meant to be invested and well-spent. (Matthew 25:14-30)
In essence, God has trusted us with His property. And while we are to guard and keep, He also guards and keeps. (2 Timothy 1:12)
We as Christians have received an extremely precious thing to keep. God has deposited to us and entrusted us with sharing His Gospel the way He told and equipped us to. But you will not guard and keep that which you do not highly esteem. Be aware of the Gospel’s meaning and value!