Knowing about someone and knowing who they are, those are two different things. I can know a lot about a celebrity, but without being friends with them I won’t really know them like I know other people around me. I can know someone’s favorite color, shoe size, food preferences, home address, phone number, and Social Security number, but unless I spend time with that person as a friend I won’t really know who they are and what they’re like.
Knowing about a thing and knowing what it’s really like, those are two different things. I can know a lot about a book, but unless I’ve read it I won’t know what all is really inside it. I can know a book is about returning a ring to the forge from whence it came, but unless I read The Lord of the Rings I won’t know all there is to it and how “returning jewellery” is a bad summary.
Knowing about God is not the same as knowing who He really is. Knowing about Him is not the same as meeting Him and spending time with Him. Knowing about the Bible is not the same as reading it. Knowing that there are some difficult things in it is not the same as actually studying those accounts and finding what they really mean.