I’m convinced that life is just going through the same things at different stages of life. We learn and re-learn lessons. We can all use a refresher on the important things we have learned, and we also need keep up the practical use of these learned lessons. So while God often needs to repeat lessons for us, He also expands upon them and gives them some development. You’ve learned the lesson, and now you get to put into action the principles that you’ve learned.
Will you learn every lesson right the first time? Nope. But God gives you plenty of chances to re-learn.
Will you always apply the principles correctly every time? Nope. But God gives you plenty of chances to practice.
God is the best Teacher you will ever have. He knows your past and current experience and maturity, and He knows how to build more in you. God tailors each life lesson specifically for you. Pay attention, because each lesson is very important!