In church we’ve been going through the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Last night we studied about meekness. Here is a mix of my notes and my thoughts on them.
In the Bible, the words translated “meek” have to do with gentleness, mildness, and humility. Being meek is being gentle, mild, and humble with others. It is letting offenses go. It is being sensitive to others and letting go of what you want. A meek person is not preoccupied with self. Being meek is the opposite of self-assertiveness and self-interest.
I’ve heard people say “meekness is weakness,” but that is far from the truth. If being meek were for the weak, it wouldn’t be so difficult. Meekness is power under control. It is being tender without surrender. It is reigning in your natural tendency to fight back, to retaliate in kind.
Jesus Himself was meek. He went to the cross even though He was God (Philippians 2:6-8). One of His own disciples betrayed Him. But Jesus let Himself be arrested. The leading Jews put Him on trial and falsely accused Him to the Roman leaders. But Jesus didn’t get defensive. People beat Him up, tortured Him, and mocked Him. But Jesus didn’t say a word. On the cross people mocked Him, saying, “If you’re the Son of God, then come down from that cross and prove it!” But Jesus stayed. Because of all this, we can have salvation.
Meekness is required in God’s children (Colossians 3:12). We are to be more and more like Jesus every day, and Jesus was meek (Matthew 11:29).
Meekness is necessary for ministry. Being gentle and sensitive with people will make things easier on both sides. Seeking another’s good above your own is Christ-like. If you (and Jesus) did not seek another’s good above your own, you wouldn’t make a very good servant in your ministry. Before Jesus even went to the cross, He washed feet (John 13:4-5 & 12-15).
Meekness is necessary for evangelism. Let me flesh out the earlier “tender without surrender.” It is holding to God’s truth without being harsh about the truth. It is holding your opinions while letting someone else have the freedom to hold their opinions. This is listening, giving someone a fair hearing, and talking about your differences without being angry or defensive. When you are belligerent with your beliefs, people instinctively snap closed like a steel trap. You would be surprised at how being gentle can open someone’s mind and heart to what they normally wouldn’t want to hear. (See also 1 Peter 3:15.)
Meekness attracts people. Meekness is what helps plant the seeds of the Gospel. Meekness is essential for unity. Meekness is essential for teaching and learning. Meekness helps you forgive. Meekness helps you bear with others. Meekness helps you restore a fallen brother (Galatians 6:1). Meekness keeps pride at bay. Meekness lets you admit when you’re wrong. Meekness makes you correctable. Meekness makes you a better servant. Meekness helps you get along with people who don’t agree with you.
Oh, and go read Matthew 5:5.