I’ve heard it said, “God will never give you more than you can handle.” While I understand a little of the idea behind that statement, I also find the statement itself wrong. God will give you plenty more than you can handle. But He will also be there to help you through it. God will take you out in a boat in a storm, and He will steer you through to calm weather. God will walk into a fire with you, and walk out with you on the other side. God will wade into the rough waters with you, and when you can’t swim He will carry you. The point of giving you more than you can handle is to remind you that you can’t do things all by yourself, that God can do anything, and that God will always take care of you.
When the Children of Israel went through the wilderness, God is the One who put them there and God was the One who went with them (Exodus 13:21-22). When we walk through dark valleys, God is our Shepherd who leads us through them (Psalm 23:4). When we are overwhelmed, God is the One who holds up our heads and helps us through (Psalms 3 & 69).
You might have more than you can handle, but God will never give you any more than you can handle without Him.