I have notes that I scrawl on any paper I can find when I don’t have my “wisdom notebook.” I thought I’d share a few of them:
Just because you understand something doesn’t mean that it means something to you.
You can’t believe something that you were never told.
We’re only as faithful as our next decision.
Jesus calls people just like you. He calls unlikely people from unlikely places. He takes the initiative in calling. Jesus elevates your life with His call. Following Jesus always requires sacrifice.
Psalm 127:3 – Children are not a curse to be endured, they are a blessing to enjoy!
We can talk about our faith, but if we do not live our faith, people won’t see Christ, they’ll see hypocrisy.
Your sin offends God. That is what you need to realize before you are saved, because you need to know what you’re being saved from.
You can’t save anyone, God is the one who does the saving.
If we haven’t opened our mouth in prayer we certainly shouldn’t open it in condemnation.