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I looked through some previous notes again and wanted to share.

Love must bestow itself.

The life that Jesus brings is more than quantity of life, it is quality of life. Eternal life is to share in the life of God. It does not begin when you die, it begins when you get saved!

God did not save us so we could just sit around and believe certain facts about Him and how He saves people. He saved us for Himself and for doing His good work!

You are saved by grace alone, not your own works. Yet good works still matter because they are the evidence of grace! Ephesians 2:8-10. Remember this is for and through God! Philippians 2:13.

No matter how difficult your life or ministry or anything gets, God still has a hold of it.

You can forgive someone who has not apologized. You can forgive dead people. You can choose to release the offense to God regardless of another’s attitude or state.