I don’t think often enough about the spiritual war that is constantly being waged where I can’t see with my physical eyes. It’s always happening, whether I think about it or not, whether I’m awake or asleep. God and Satan are at odds.
That doesn’t mean that it’s a struggle for God. God can wipe evil out whenever He wants, He’s just waiting for the right time. He loves us humans and wants us to be on the right side of the conflict when the time comes to correct everything. God is giving us time and choice. Satan is going to lose no matter what.
As part of that conflict, you and I are tempted and given grace every day. God knows us better than we know ourselves. Satan knows us pretty well himself, just not as well as God. These mean that we have things tailor made for us on both sides of the conflict. Satan brings temptation that strikes us in just the right way to be practically irresistible, and God gives grace that strengthens us in just the right way to cover our weaknesses.
When Satan crafts temptation, he takes into account who you are, what your weaknesses are, and where you’re at in life at the time. He knows just how, where, and when to trap you. When God crafts grace, He takes into account who you are, what your weaknesses are, and where you’re at in life right now. He knows just how, where, and when to help you. Let’s look at more differences.
Satan doesn’t love you. He knows God does and wants to keep you from that love. Temptations are made in the hopes you’ll give in, then you’ll be bound and busy so you can’t see God or don’t feel the need for Him. Temptations are made in the hopes to put a wedge between you and God. Even though God is powerful enough that the wedge ultimately means nothing when we just go to Him, we feel distanced when we offend God by giving in to temptation.
God does love you. He knows that if you stay away from Him you’ll be horribly hurt, and ultimately separated forever. Grace is made to show you how much God loves you. Grace is made to strengthen the specific areas in which you’re weak. Grace is made to bring you closer to God. Grace is made to help you resist temptation. Grace is made to bring you back when you’ve given in to temptation. Grace is made for you whether or not you’re being tempted.
One is tailor made to weaken you. One is tailor made to strengthen you.
One is made out of spite. One is made out of love.