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Sometimes we forget that going to church isn’t just about us needing church, it’s also about church needing us. Each and every member of a church needs all the other members of that church, just like all your body parts need all your other body parts (Romans 12:4-13; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:15-16).

Being part of a church isn’t just about what you get out of it, it’s about what you bring to the table. God has given us each different talents, abilities, and personalities to bless those around us and to work together with those around us. Part of the purpose of church is for local believers in Christ to get together to build each other up and to reach out to our surrounding community.

Remember it will take work and effort sometimes to get along with everyone, but this is also for everyone’s betterment. You’re not perfect and no one in church is perfect, but Jesus is perfect and He is the head of the church body. He is shaping us all together as we do our best to work together with each other for God’s purpose.

Related: A Few Things on Church