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Sometimes sin is broken into these two categories: missing the mark and trespassing. Or, failing to live up to the standard and purposefully doing what you know you shouldn’t. God has a standard for our behavior, and when we’re not purposefully doing the wrong thing, we’re still falling short of the standard. But God knew we’d need help, so that’s why Jesus came. Jesus never fell short of the standard and He never did what He knew he shouldn’t, and if we believe in Him, His death, burial, and resurrection, we can have Jesus’ righteousness applied to us instead of being stuck with what we have.

God doesn’t want us to live forever in our sinful state.

You in your sin are not better than anyone else in theirs.

Pet sin is still sin. You might think you have it tamed, but it will bite the hand that feeds it.

We receive grace from God to cover and forgive our sins, and God’s grace is always enough for our sins. So should we keep sinning for more grace? No, absolutely not! (Romans 5-6) Once we are saved we are not made to sin, and grace is not made for us to sin either. Once saved you are dead to sin and alive to Christ Jesus! It is quite the contradiction to keep sinning when you belong to Christ.

Why Is Sin Such a Big Deal?
Still a Big Deal
Snaking Sin
Love and Sin