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On Earth as in Heaven

In the Lord’s Prayer as He taught His disciples about praying, we see the words, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In Heaven, God’s will is done without delay or second thought. There is no rebellion, no inkling of resistance, no...

Sweet Kindness

Last night at church the little kids learned about kindness. The teacher talked with them about what kindness is and how to be kind, encouraging them to be good and helpful to others. She pointed out how God is kind to us and wants us to be kind to others, even when...

World Peace

When people discuss wishes, many suggest a good option would be to wish for world peace. Around Christmas time there is talk of peace on earth, world peace. Whenever there is unrest in the world or wars being fought, our thoughts turn to peace, hoping that someday we...

True Worship

I’ve been reading The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan lately, and I came across a line that made me want to write about worship. This line is spoken by Faithful in response to an accusation that Mr. Envy brought upon him: “Therefore whatever is...

When God Saved My Soul

When God saved my soul, He didn’t save me just to go on my merry way and never talk to Him again. When God saved my soul, He didn’t save me so I could just keep this treasure to myself when there is more than plenty to go around. When God saved my soul, He...