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Reaching to a (Previous) Enemy

In Acts 9 we see Saul going out to continue persecuting Christians, intending to go out expressly to bring them back bound. On the way Jesus Himself stops Saul, blinding him in the process. The men with Saul help him continue on to Damascus, then Saul doesn’t...

A Prayer Lesson Learned

I’ve been trying to be better at praying, trying to do it more often, trying to expand my prayers, and trying to listen to God talking instead of just talking myself the whole time. In my life context lately, I’ve been reading books on prayer by E. M....

Interesting Word Pairings

I’ve been looking at some notes again, and found some interesting and beautiful word pairings just hanging out on their own, hither and thither. I figured I’d set them here for you to look at, look up, and think about if you want. Sacred Delight Vicarious...

On Earth as in Heaven

In the Lord’s Prayer as He taught His disciples about praying, we see the words, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In Heaven, God’s will is done without delay or second thought. There is no rebellion, no inkling of resistance, no...

Sweet Kindness

Last night at church the little kids learned about kindness. The teacher talked with them about what kindness is and how to be kind, encouraging them to be good and helpful to others. She pointed out how God is kind to us and wants us to be kind to others, even when...