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More Notes Again

I have a few more notes to share that I've written over time. The difference between a missionary and a "regular" Christian is simply the location in which they preach the Gospel. Sanctification is becoming in practice what our position is in Christ. You must pursue...

Wounds and the Being

I've talked about things like this before, but it's always good to talk about them again. An injury or a wound can happen in a number of ways and because of a number of things. You and I can be visibly physically wounded, and we can be wounded in non-physical ways...

Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

Take a look at the things you believe, the things you are fully persuaded are true. Whether these things are religious, scientific, or otherwise, why do you think and feel that they are true and real? Do you really believe them, or are they just comfortable to you?...

Jacob and Esau’s Reunion

Last night at church there were a couple things in the sermon that stuck out to me. One was the main point, and one was a side point. I'll lay out some background first. (Scripture references around Genesis 31-33.) Jacob had been with Laban building wealth, and while...

A Part of Jesus’ Sacrifices

I've learned about crucifixion over the years, and the more I learn the more I realize just what Jesus did for me. We talk about how Jesus left Heaven and gave up some of His "God powers." These are amazingly, eternally significant points, and I do not want to...

The Battle Is the Lord’s

We who believe in Jesus serve a King who has never lost a battle. We serve a King who sometimes wins battles by not fighting. We serve a King who will not call us to battle unless He is there with us. We serve a King who not only directs the battle, but also fights it...

Unbound by Culture and Language

I'm sure you already know, but it's always nice to be reminded: God's love is not bound to any single culture or language. There is no language or culture barrier in the way of God's love. The Gospel is for everyone of every time and place! Sometimes we forget this,...

God’s Will

A lot of people say, "I want to know God's will," but we don't always really want to know. We're afraid we won't like it or that we won't be able to do it. But God's will is always the best thing, so we can like it. And God will never call us to do something that He...

Snaking Sin

Sin in your life is like a snake in your backyard: it might not be bothering you right now, but it is dangerous and will eventually bite you - maybe even someone you love. You might think you have it tamed, but this kind of snake will bite the hand that feeds it. Pet...