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All of a Sudden

Backsliding (which is usually Christian-speak for sliding back into the bad parts of who you were before God saved you) isn't something that happens all at once. It usually happens little by little, like slowly raising the temperature of water or slowly getting used...

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Sometimes I wonder, if Jesus were to come today like He did back then, or instead of back then, how comfortable would I be with Him? Would I like Him? Would any of us who claim to be His followers like Him? We love Jesus of course, but considering all the upset that...

A Bit More Advice

I've given advice before (A Little Advice, Introspective Advice, A Little More Advice), and while I'm not qualified to tell you what to do with your life, I can tell you some helpful things. God's idea is always better than yours. He sees all of time at once and knows...

Knowing and Knowing

Knowing about someone and knowing who they are, those are two different things. I can know a lot about a celebrity, but without being friends with them I won't really know them like I know other people around me. I can know someone's favorite color, shoe size, food...

Volition and Personal Responsibility

We often look to blame others for the things that happen to us. Things can't ever be our fault. But whatever part others have played in our situation, we cannot absolve ourselves of personal responsibility for the part we have played in it, and the part we can still...

Secular or Sacred?

We Christians often divide things in life based on whether they are worldly or whether they are spiritual, calling them secular and sacred respectively. Sometimes we refer to the work we do as either secular or sacred. But sometimes there is no difference between the...

“Come As You Are”

I was thinking about how we come to Jesus to get saved. We come as we are, but also we can't be accepted as we are. I'll explain. We humans are sinful by our very nature (Psalm 14:1-3; Romans 3:10-12), and we do not meet the requirement of perfection to be in the...

The Master, His Servants, and the Washing of Feet

While visiting my sister this past weekend, I got to hear someone different preach. He preached about the time when Jesus washed His disciples' feet in John 13:1-17, and a few specific things stood out to me. In verses 3-5, the pastor pointed out that we see the God...

God’s Forgiveness – Peter the Apostle

Though Peter sometimes got into trouble with his words (Matthew 16:21-23; Mark 8:31-33), we do find that he had a lot of good things to say very confidently, especially when Jesus asked who His disciples thought he was in Matthew 6:15-17, Mark 8:29, and Luke 9:20. He...