I recently came across a note a friend wrote to me earlier this year. It felt good to read the words again, and today I started thinking about how good kind words can make you feel.
It doesn’t take a lot of words either. Just a couple words of kindness feel quite refreshing, when given or received. Not that you shouldn’t or don’t have to use more, it just doesn’t usually take a lot of them. On the other hand, it doesn’t take a lot of unkind words to make someone feel bad either. Kind or unkind, frequently our words carry more weight than we think they do, so we really should put more thought into them, or even filters onto them.
Kind words are sweet and refreshing. They feel good to those who hear them, even those who are not the direct recipients. Sometimes you feel good just witnessing someone else say kind things to another.
I’m reminded of a few Bible verses on words as well: Proverbs 15:4 & 23, 16:24
A little more on words:
Word Ripples
Use Your Words Wisely
Actions and Words