This last Sunday evening some friends, my brother, and I were playing Spikeball at a church fellowship. We weren’t very good at it. We figured out the net was a little loose, then after we fixed it we found we couldn’t blame the net anymore!
But after a lot more tries we started getting the hang of it. And then we got bad again. And then we improved again. We’re not going competitive anytime soon, but if we did this regularly, we could probably be at least good enough to keep the ball in play for more than 15 seconds!
I say all this to point out that you don’t usually get good at something right away. It takes practice, it takes a lot of practice, and it takes regular and consistent practice.
For another example, I didn’t just come out of the womb knowing how to play piano. While I did have a knack for it once I started learning, I wasn’t anywhere near as good then as I am now. A lot of things I played had a choppy feel until I figured out how to smooth them out. Unless you happen to be a prodigy, you don’t get really good at piano without playing it for years.
Remember, just because you aren’t good at something at first doesn’t mean you’ll never be. You’re not going to be an amazing prodigy at everything, so don’t be upset when you find out you’re not immediately good at something. You just need more practice.
A bit more on the topic:
Practicing Your Scales
Reforming Perfectionist