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I went with a group again this year to the Amazing Grace Children’s Home in Mexico (Sublime Gracia Casa Hogar, Facebook link here). We spent time with the children and got to know them, and they got to know us. Everyone absolutely loves it! And if you’re someone who goes to visit regularly, it almost feels like a family reunion.

Most of these children come from backgrounds of abuse and neglect, in many cases very severe, but they are all loved in every way they need in the Amazing Grace Children’s Home. They are given every chance to succeed. Every child gets to know who Jesus is. The people who care for these children don’t look at any of them and think that it isn’t worth telling that one the Gospel, or that the Gospel won’t help them, or that it would be useless to try. If any of these children are to heal, they need the love of Jesus, and that’s exactly what they’re given. These children are loved and cared for in a way that shows them how much Jesus loves them.

Though I remembered most of the kids, there were a few new ones this year. On the day of the big outing, I sat next to a sweet little girl on the bus who took pictures of us on my phone. (For privacy, I won’t tell you her name.) When she found out she could draw on the photos, she immediately drew a crown on a photo of herself. I asked her, “La princesa, o la reina?” (The princess, or the queen?) Her answer: “La reina.” I smiled because of course she’s the queen.

I’ve learned quite a bit more Spanish since last time, but I was reminded that regardless of how much Spanish I know or don’t know, a language barrier has no reason to be that much of a barrier at all. I was reminded by my pastor’s interactions with the children. He doesn’t speak Spanish, but he and the kids interacted and had a great time anyway, even when there was no one around to translate. If you care and you try, it isn’t too difficult to find a way to communicate with someone.

If you’d like to know more about the Children’s Home, their Facebook link is here:

As you can imagine, caring for children takes resources. If you would like to donate, go to and select Amazing Grace Children’s Home from the drop-down list.

If you would like to give through mail or your own online bill pay, put AGCH in the memo or account number and send to:
Rodgers Baptist Church
P.O. Box 640639
Garland, TX 75046

Blog from my first trip: Amazing Grace Children’s Home

A Few Things on Children
Across Cultures, Across Languages
Unbound by Culture and Language