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What you say to yourself is very important. Sometimes we say things to ourselves that we would never say to others. Sometimes what we say to ourselves is the most intelligent conversation we’ve had all day. Sometimes we flatter ourselves. Sometimes we bully ourselves. Sometimes we need to stop listening to ourselves and just tell ourselves something. Sometimes we need to stop telling ourselves something and just listen to ourselves.

We should frequently take inventory of what we’re saying to ourselves and what we’re listening to from ourselves. Sometimes we listen to ourselves say mean things about us that we’d never let someone else get away with. If someone else said those things to us or to a friend we wouldn’t hang out with them anymore, so why do we let ourselves get away with it?

Sometimes we listen to ourselves say so many good things about us that we convince ourselves we can do no wrong. We know that’s not healthy and wouldn’t do this to a friend or let someone else do this to a friend. Instead we’d say something about that problem because we care.

Don’t flatter yourself into failing, and don’t bully yourself into failing. Give yourself good advice, and encourage yourself to follow it. Get some good outside voices for your inside voice to talk to and listen to. Let God in on your self-talk and let Him help you know what to listen to.

For a few Scripture references where people are addressing themselves:
1 Samuel 30:6
Psalm 43:5
Psalm 62:5-7
Psalm 103:1-5
Psalm 116:7
Lamentations 3:18-26

Talking to Yourself
Forgiving Yourself
Encouraging Yourself in the Lord
Talking to God About Anything