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When you talk to people about Jesus, it goes much better if you do it in a language with which they are familiar. I don’t just mean the language they were born into, I also mean their culture, and I mean the way each person processes information and how they think about the world.

If I want to tell someone about their need for forgiveness of sin through Jesus, I would need to tell them in a way that makes sense to them through their life lens. If I want to use metaphors to explain spiritual concepts, I would use different ones for a tech engineer than I would for a farmer. If I want to explain the Gospel to an unreached tribal people, I need to understand how they think and feel about the concepts of it (see the book Peace Child by Don Richardson). The Gospel is for everyone, broadly and specifically, and applies to all people everywhere and every time!

Paul reached people by tailoring his presentation of the Gospel. Wherever he went he figured out what the culture was and how people thought, then presented the Gospel to them in that context so they could better understand it. One notable example is in Acts 17:16-32 when Paul brought up the local Athenian practices and even quoted secular poets to talk to them about God’s work through Jesus.

The way you receive and understand the Gospel is flavored by who you are and what you’ve experienced, but it’s still the same Gospel! God made it to be accessible for everyone!

Different Experience, Same Grace
Different Experiences
Across Cultures, Across Languages
Unbound by Culture and Language