Many of us have just celebrated the birth of Jesus, the Light of the World (John 1:1-5). But not everyone always feels and sees that Light. Sometimes this time of year only highlights the darkness people have been feeling, casting long shadows over their hearts and minds. Death, disease, and life’s troubles don’t have holidays, and there are some people who notice the shadows more than the light because of them.
Some people are coming through the holidays and into the new year without a loved one. Some are coming through without a job. Some are coming through with health problems. Some are coming through with mental, emotional, and spiritual distress. Some are coming through with broken relationships. Some are coming through trying to help loved ones with these problems. There are countless troubles, so take some time to notice and to help where you can.
Some people sit in the shadows and need some light brought to them. Some need a little help rekindling the light they have. Take some time to be a light in someone’s life. Just be there for them. Be there with them. Pray for them. Pray with them. The Light of the World came to shine in the darkness, giving hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless. If we are God’s children, we should shine as well.
But what if you’re one of the people with troubles?
The Light still shines. Jesus knows, and He’s there. Look around the side of what’s casting the shadow, or call out to be found and helped around that obstacle. Walk towards the Light and He will walk towards you (James 4:8a). Call to Him, and He’ll be there (Psalm 18:6). Even in the middle of the deepest darkness, Jesus wants to be there to help you, so He will.
A little more encouragement – Psalm 69:16-19; 116:1-8
More on light and the upcoming year:
Light and Hope for Christmas
Light of the World
For Good in the New Year
What About the Year?