I’ve been trying to be better at praying, trying to do it more often, trying to expand my prayers, and trying to listen to God talking instead of just talking myself the whole time. In my life context lately, I’ve been reading books on prayer by E. M. Bounds and asking God to help me figure more out as I talk with Him. I’ve picked up something that feels like I knew it but didn’t think of it, like a riddle after you hear the answer: The more people you know to pray for and the more things you have to pray about, the more you will pray. The more you pay attention to things and people around you, the more you will have to talk with God about.
God has brought more into my life for me to pray about, or maybe He’s brought more of my attention and awareness to them, and these are making me pray more and about a wider variety of things. By extension, it’s making me pay more attention to the things and people around me. God and I have a little more to talk about now that I’m paying better attention. It’s like going to hang out with a friend and just having conversations over things you both want to do something about.
Other things I’ve learned about prayer:
A Little Bit on Praying
Praying for ALL
The Prayer of a Child
Keep Praying
Praying Aloud