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Suffering for Jesus

In Sunday School yesterday, we talked about dying and suffering for Jesus. We all like to think we’d make the right choice under threat and die for Jesus, and we probably would. But are we willing to suffer for Jesus before then? If I die for Jesus, then...

Foresight and Procrastination

This morning I was moving things from my room to another room, in preparation for new floors to be put down. While moving things I had to put them away in a different place, with the knowledge that I’ll be moving them again when the floors are done. I left some...

Not Just for Preachers

Preachers, pastors, and missionaries are all expected to have a strong and deep knowledge of the Bible and what it means, but for some reason we often feel that preachers and the like are the only ones expected to really study and know these things. While a preacher,...

The Strength for Humility

When you think about it, responding with pride is easy. Pretending you’re not as bad as you really are is automatic. Denying or covering up that you made a mistake is the reflexive thing to do. Shifting the blame onto someone or something else so you look better...

God Owning Your Whole Life

When God saves you, He saves all of you. God doesn’t just save your soul, He saves all the rest of you too! Your body, soul, and everything that makes you who you are, these are one woven piece that God Himself constructed, and when He saves you, He saves your...