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Hosanna, King Jesus!

I was teaching the little kids yesterday in Sunday School about Jesus’ triumphal entry, and why we call the Sunday before Easter “Palm Sunday.” They had a lot of fun waving paper palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna!” Hosanna has several...

Challenging Questions

I love to answer people’s questions, particularly if they are existential, moral, or theological in nature. But I’m also afraid of people asking questions, because what if I don’t know the answer? But I know the God who knows everything. I know the...

Part of God’s Plan Concerning the End Times

The Bible tells us that before Jesus comes back, and even before the Rapture, things are going to get pretty bad for us Christians. There is a spiritual war going on, and for a while it’s going to look like evil is winning. There is no stopping it, it’s...

Writing Notes

No matter your age or memory-recall capacity, it’s good to write things down sometimes. For one, it helps you remember it better so you might not even have to consult your notes. For another, if you do forget you still have it. If you remember where you wrote it...

God’s Correction and Love

In Ezekiel chapters 8 and 9, we see that the sin of God’s people is so great that God must correct and discipline them, and not spare. It has gone on long enough. And God started at His house (9:6). In Jeremiah and Lamentations, we again see God’s harsher...