This is a time of year filled with light and joy for many, but for others all this light and joy highlights the darkness and sadness in their lives right now. Sickness, extenuating circumstances, and death know no holidays, and there are a lot of people who are suffering. You might be one of them. But it’s okay not to feel joyful right now. Sometimes getting to the point of joy again is a process. You might think you’ll never get there again, but keep at it.
Jesus heals the broken. Jesus brings light and joy to our darkness and sadness. It may not always be how we expect it, though. Christmas is an interesting example. God had promised to send a Savior to save the world from our sin, and then waited what we would call a very long time. When He finally sent the Savior Jesus, He could have sent Him already grown and ready, but God sent His Son as a baby. The Jews at the time were expecting a Savior to be born and grow up into a conquering king here on earth, but then Jesus died instead. He conquered what really needed conquering: sin and death. Then He rose again to life to prove it!
If you’re missing some light and joy this year, look to Jesus to bring it back to you. It’s okay to feel sad, it’s okay to feel angry, just don’t let them consume you. Let Jesus know how you feel. He listens and He’s there for you.
More reading:
Light and Hope for Christmas
A New Normal for Christmas
The Busy-ness of Christmas