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Wounds and the Being

I've talked about things like this before, but it's always good to talk about them again. An injury or a wound can happen in a number of ways and because of a number of things. You and I can be visibly physically wounded, and we can be wounded in non-physical ways...

Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

Take a look at the things you believe, the things you are fully persuaded are true. Whether these things are religious, scientific, or otherwise, why do you think and feel that they are true and real? Do you really believe them, or are they just comfortable to you?...

Just Right Is Not Necessary

Yesterday morning in church a specific line stuck out to me: The Holy Spirit doesn't need everything to be just right in your life for Him to do His work through you. We were talking about Paul the apostle and how he had a prison ministry, but from inside as a...

Being Happy, Being Holy

I've written about this before in Holiness and Happiness, but upon reading a devotional this morning, I don't think I spent enough time emphasizing an important part in that blog post. Yes God cares more about your holiness than your happiness, but God has designed us...

Making Lists

We all have lists: things we need to do, things we want to do, offenses committed against us, good things done for us, things someone else needs or wants us to do, things in the budget or not. Let's look at the offensive list. You will obtain quite a list of offenses...

Unbridled Obedience

We typically use bridles and bits with horses to get them to go where we want them to. But if you and your horse have spent enough time together and know how to communicate, eventually you don't need a bridle. You can just hop up onto the horse's bare back without so...

Notes on Godly Fruit

A tree needs sunlight to produce fruit. Christians will experience a drop in fruit production when walking in darkness. We need Son-light. The fruit of the Spirit is not a basket of different fruits from which you get to pick and choose, it is something you should be...

Giving an Answer

In 1 Peter 3:15-16 we see that we Christians should be ready to give people an answer for what we believe and why we believe it, and to do it in a kind manner. Being able to give an answer or reason is also referred to as apologetics. It is knowing what you believe...

Love Holds On, Love Lets Go

God is the source of real love, and shows us how to have and use it. Love seeks the highest good of its object. Whether that means holding on or letting go, love makes us strong enough to do it. Love holds on and sticks around even when it is difficult. Love holds on...