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Impactful Memories

I don’t know about you, but in my life I have a few significant memories that have impacted me more now that I’m older than they did when I had the experience in the first place. Here are a couple examples. One time, when I was very young, my mom told me...

Keep Praying

Sometimes it takes a long time for a prayer to be answered. But don’t stop talking to God about it! Sometimes you may never know if a prayer was answered. But don’t stop talking to God about it! In Luke 18:1-7, Jesus tells us to keep praying by telling a...

Science As God

Lately people are talking on and on about how you need to believe the science. You can’t argue with the science. Science knows what it’s talking about. Some people even say they believe in science, to the point that they are essentially putting it in the...

Who Do You Love?

Previously I talked about what love is (What Is Love?). With that in mind, let’s talk about who we love. The short statement is: We should love everyone because God does and because He told us to. The short explanation of doing that is: Tell people who God is...

More Fun

Looking after children during the day, Sunday School, or Vacation Bible School, sometimes it’s time stop doing one thing so we can do another. It’s just as fun if not more, but sometimes a child gets sad and doesn’t want to stop their current...

God in a Box

Many people put God in a box and take Him out for church. Maybe they take Him out at some other time when they feel in desperate need. But you can’t put God in a box. When you open the box, God is not there. The thing you’re actually putting in the box is...