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A lot of us are gathering around tables with family today to eat lots of food and talk about how thankful we are. But who are we thanking? We got all this stuff from somewhere. I can be thankful all I want, but if I’m thankful to no one and nothing, then what’s the point? How can I even be thankful if there’s no one to thank?

When we get things from people, we tell them, “Thank you.” We are thankful to that person for giving us something or doing something for us. But when things happen to us in life, we often forget that these are gifts from God (James 1:17).

When giving thanks, give credit where credit is due. We thank mom for roasting the turkey, thank dad for mashing the potatoes, and thank auntie for baking the pie. We should remember to thank God for giving us life and all we have in it.

More on thanks: Give Thanks to God; Why Give Thanks to God?