The Bible is filled with important lessons. When we teach them to children, we often only tell the stories, or simplify things into a version they can understand. Sometimes we pare things down for very young children who can’t understand larger themes yet. Even for older children, sometimes we leave out certain details that are not appropriate for them yet (like the circumstances of Esther becoming a queen). But as children get older, we need to get them to start studying for themselves. And as we all get older, we should all be learning the full scope of what these passages entail.
Learning the full scope requires us to look at them ourselves. Sometimes it will require us to do some extra-curricular study on our own or with a friend or mentor. The Bible was written by people in a different time period with a different culture than I have, so taking those things into account will help me better understand details and implications I’ve never before understood. The Bible was also written in different languages than I understand, so looking at linguistic notes, translations, and dictionaries has frequently led to me realizing that certain verses don’t mean what I thought they did.
I grew up being taught what’s in the Bible. I’ve been taught from it probably before I consciously remember. But as I’ve grown into adulthood, I’m not just being taught the Bible, I’m looking through it myself. As I’ve grown into adulthood, I’m not done learning what the Bible has to teach me, I’m just getting started!
A little more on Bible study:
Studying On Your Own
Studying the Bible
Biblical Languages and Bible Study