As I was praying in bed this morning, I was taking a little more time to thank God than usual. I thanked Him for everything that came to mind, big things and little things. As I prayed I realized that all the things I was thanking Him for were things that I don’t deserve and things I’ve done nothing to get. So I thanked Him for that, too!
Of all the things I thanked Him for, I thought about the most important one being the one I absolutely least deserve: salvation from sin and a place in Heaven.
I have never done anything worthy of getting into Heaven or meriting God’s love and favor. I will never do anything worthy of those – I literally can’t. The only way I can do anything even remotely pleasing to God is through God’s help and instruction. I wouldn’t know what God finds good and pleasing unless God gave me that knowledge in the first place, I wouldn’t have a reason to try doing good unless I loved God in return for His love to me, and I wouldn’t have any way of being good without God’s help.
Salvation is something we have never and will never deserve, but that’s one of the things that makes it so thank-worthy! God gives us things we don’t deserve every day, such as existence, weather, food, breath, the ability to do and to think, the universe and all it’s beauty. Then because He knew we’d need more, He made a way through Jesus for us to escape the ultimate penalty of sin and to be with Him in Heaven as if we’d never sinned at all!
Thank you, God, for giving me all that I do not deserve, especially your Son’s death and resurrection to save me from death!
More things for thankfulness:
Counting Your Blessings
Thankful and Content
There’s Always a Reason to Be Thankful