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When to Limit Yourself

Lately I’ve been finding myself frustrated with some restrictions that have been imposed, mostly ones that are factually unnecessary. It brings up an important piece of life: knowing when to limit yourself and knowing when to just go ahead. It doesn’t even...

In Memory of Sacrifice

Something was brought to my mind yesterday. It’s something I know, but don’t typically think about. When we remember all those who have died in protection of our country and freedom, we often think of them as wise, brave, old men. But many of them were...

Witty Wisdom

Today I came across a few witty things others have said and I’ve written down. Have a few of them! Look at the context or you can be conned with the text. Get your behind out of the past and put the past behind you. Don’t monkey with another monkey’s...

Seems Backwards

God frequently does things in ways that we humans find backwards. But this is God we’re talking about, so though these things seem odd they all completely work. A few Scripture references that come to mind: 1 Corinthians 1:18-29 (especially vs. 27), 2:14, 3:19....

I Should Love

Sometimes someone will ask me why I do certain good things. Sometimes I ask myself. The answer is typically “because I should” or “because I love,” though the answer is really both, because they go together. Love and moral necessity are both...