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Wounds and the Being

I've talked about things like this before, but it's always good to talk about them again. An injury or a wound can happen in a number of ways and because of a number of things. You and I can be visibly physically wounded, and we can be wounded in non-physical ways...

Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

Take a look at the things you believe, the things you are fully persuaded are true. Whether these things are religious, scientific, or otherwise, why do you think and feel that they are true and real? Do you really believe them, or are they just comfortable to you?...

Just Right Is Not Necessary

Yesterday morning in church a specific line stuck out to me: The Holy Spirit doesn't need everything to be just right in your life for Him to do His work through you. We were talking about Paul the apostle and how he had a prison ministry, but from inside as a...

I Can’t, God Can

I've written about this before, but there's always more to say. Yesterday I was thinking and this came to mind: One of God's children looks at an insurmountable situation, then looks up at God and helplessly says, "I can't do it." So God looks at them and lovingly...

Knowing God

You must know God. Knowing about Him is not enough. You must know God. Based around some notes I took during a sermon, let's talk about that. Knowing God exists and knowing God Himself are two different things. Satan knows and believes God exists, and He's evil. You...

Freedom to Do God’s Work

I was reading a book recently (Assertively Apolitical by Greg Smith), and part of it mentioned freedoms we Christians do or do not have depending on the government. Essentially, a government cannot take away our freedom to do whatever God has commanded us to do. We...

Can’t Have It All

You can't have it all. But that's okay, you don't need it anyway. You don't need to be making more and more and more money to have enough. You don't have to be passing someone to know you're moving and going somewhere. Of all the wealth you can amass in this life, you...

Impactful Memories

I don't know about you, but in my life I have a few significant memories that have impacted me more now that I'm older than they did when I had the experience in the first place. Here are a couple examples. One time, when I was very young, my mom told me to go get...

Keep Praying

Sometimes it takes a long time for a prayer to be answered. But don't stop talking to God about it! Sometimes you may never know if a prayer was answered. But don't stop talking to God about it! In Luke 18:1-7, Jesus tells us to keep praying by telling a story. If an...