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When you go to bake something, you must pre-heat the oven first. Sometimes things in life start heating up, and the cookies or the turkey will go in soon, but after a while it will all have been worth the heat!

If you read the recipe through all the way before you start using it, you’ll know whether you have everything for it and what to expect from step to step. Sit down and consider what you’re doing first so you know how to do it and whether or not you can do it right now.

If you’re going to stir the pot, make sure it’s just to keep the bottom and sides from burning and that you don’t make a mess by over-stirring. Not everything needs to be stirred up constantly, sometimes you need to leave it alone and let it simmer. Knowing when to stir things up and when to let them settle is an important skill in both life and cooking.

Sometimes certain ingredients need to be mixed together a certain way before you add the other ingredients, just like certain things need to get done before you start the next step, or like how certain things can’t be done all at once.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

Your life can be like a cookie jar, and sometimes you need to have some time to refill it.

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Hands Full of Cookies