In the sermon last Sunday evening one of our young men preached. He talked about when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22:1-18), and how Abraham had to trust God not with his own life this time, but with his son’s life. He pointed out that parents need to trust God with their children’s lives as well as their own, and with or without children, we must all trust God with the loved ones in our lives.
God wants the best for all of us and we know this, but we so often have problems acting like we know it, believing and trusting that God will take care of things. Think about it: if you can trust God with your life because He knows everything and is supremely loving, then it makes sense to trust God with other people since He loves and knows them just the same. I realize saying this doesn’t necessarily make that trust any easier, but it puts things into a little perspective. Let God work with you on it. Ask Him for help, He is more than willing and able.
Other posts on trusting God with more:
Trust Issues
For Eternity and for Today
Conversations with God – Clean Your Room
Fear, Worry, and Trust