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Seems Backwards

God frequently does things in ways that we humans find backwards. But this is God we’re talking about, so though these things seem odd they all completely work. A few Scripture references that come to mind: 1 Corinthians 1:18-29 (especially vs. 27), 2:14, 3:19....

I Should Love

Sometimes someone will ask me why I do certain good things. Sometimes I ask myself. The answer is typically “because I should” or “because I love,” though the answer is really both, because they go together. Love and moral necessity are both...

Road of Life Metaphors

I was thinking about how going through life can be like driving on a road, and began to think of metaphors to apply some wisdom. Communication is a two-way street. Just because someone passes you doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t going the correct speed,...

On Giving

Last nights sermon was about giving, and I wanted to share some of the things I’ve written down and thought about. Prominent Bible references are Ecclesiastes 11:1-8, Proverbs 19:17, and Galatians 9:6-7. Giving has to do with more than money and resources. Give...

Puzzle Pieces of Life

Yesterday I was thinking about how puzzle pieces relate to life, and then I thought about when I was little and used to put puzzles together with my grandma. They weren’t little kid puzzles though, they had 100 pieces so I really had to pay attention to the...

Piano Lessons

When I took piano lessons as a child, I learned a few things about learning and how they apply to life in general. Sometimes you just have to keep doing something over and over. Sometimes you need to stop doing it over and over for a while and come back to it....