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On Giving

Last nights sermon was about giving, and I wanted to share some of the things I’ve written down and thought about. Prominent Bible references are Ecclesiastes 11:1-8, Proverbs 19:17, and Galatians 9:6-7. Giving has to do with more than money and resources. Give...

Puzzle Pieces of Life

Yesterday I was thinking about how puzzle pieces relate to life, and then I thought about when I was little and used to put puzzles together with my grandma. They weren’t little kid puzzles though, they had 100 pieces so I really had to pay attention to the...

Piano Lessons

When I took piano lessons as a child, I learned a few things about learning and how they apply to life in general. Sometimes you just have to keep doing something over and over. Sometimes you need to stop doing it over and over for a while and come back to it....

The Desire to Belong

I was looking through some things I wrote several years ago and thought I’d share part of it: “Why do we like to be in groups? Why do we seek to attach ourselves to things and people that give us status or purpose? Because that is another thing for which...

Tailor Made: Temptation and Grace

I don’t think often enough about the spiritual war that is constantly being waged where I can’t see with my physical eyes. It’s always happening, whether I think about it or not, whether I’m awake or asleep. God and Satan are at odds. That...

Strikes Me Interesting – The Idea of God

Cultures all over the world have ideas of a god or gods, all sorts of stories that have to do with higher powers outside of ourselves. It strikes me interesting that we all have the idea that there is something beyond what we can see. We all have a deep need to make...