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When Jesus gave the Great Commission to tell everyone in the world about His life, death, and resurrection to save humanity from our sin (Acts 1:7-8), it was given to all His followers. If you are a born again believer in Jesus, then you have been charged with this same Commission.

We followers of Jesus often send missionaries from our churches, which is Biblical and good, but sometimes we forget that just because some of us are not called to a specific foreign field does not mean that we aren’t called to our own local field. We should be telling people about Jesus where we are at to the people we are with. That’s the point of Jesus leaving us here instead of just taking us to Heaven upon getting saved. God wants literally everyone to hear about His work through Jesus, and has charged us with that task. Not that we do it all alone without His help, because we wouldn’t be able to do it at all without His help, but God has given us a very important job to do.

Sometimes we can get comfy in our churches and think we’re accomplishing the Great Commission simply by giving to missionaries and mission works. While giving to missions and sending missionaries is certainly a part of it, that is absolutely not the only thing we should be doing to accomplish the Great Commission. Just because you’re not going someplace else to share the Gospel doesn’t mean you’re not a missionary, too. The Great Commission is for all Christians, wherever we are at.

Prejudice and the Great Commission
Not Just for Preachers
Left Instructions
Giving an Answer
God’s Words, Not Yours

Speaking of missionaries:
Missionaries Are People, Too
A Reminder of Missionaries